Friday, April 24, 2009

Did you know about Lotus Birth?

Did you know that the practice of leaving the umbilical cord and placenta intact, and attached to the newborn baby, until they separate naturally, is known as a Lotus Birth or Umbilical Nonseverance?

After the baby has been born, and the placenta has separated from the uterine wall, Wharton's jelly will form within the umbilical cord causing the blood vessels to clamp shut, stopping blood flow between the baby and the placenta. For the remainder of the time that baby and placenta are attached, the placenta is dried and usually treated with salt or some other herb to aid in dessication. The separation process usually takes several days.

The specific reasons behind this practice are as varied as the families who choose it for their child. One such reason is that some people feel there to be a spiritual connection between baby and placenta, and that the separation should take place when the baby's body is ready. Another is that some people feel the actual cutting of the umbilical cord, and creating an open wound on the baby, to be a violent act, and should be avoided.

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